what it means to work with me
Each session that I plan will immerse each of your senses so that you have a full experience and are free to tap into your most basic instincts so you are able to relax and enjoy the moment.
Each image I capture and provide in your collection will be hand edited so that we can minimize your worry about blemishes, perceived imperfections, distracting details, and anything else that you want removed or enhanced so you can see the beauty of the image.
Prior to all of our sessions I will create specific prompts for you that are designed to engage you and create unique moments that can be captured with genuine feeling. Here is an example of a prompt I might provide for a family session with small children; “I want you to run towards me and when I say “stop” you stop” and when I say “go” you go (think red light; green light). Prompts like this make for authentic emotions and real smiles and laughter.
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